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Meet the team: Linda

Welcome back to our "Who keeps PhD Balance running?" series! We're going to be introducing our team over the next few weeks, so keep an eye out! 👀

Next up is Linda Corcoran, Grad Chat Coordinator!

Meet the team turquoise graphic, There is a photo of Linda Corcoran. Text reads Linda Corcoran (they/she) Grad Chat coordinator, team social media, speaking team, IDEALs team. Twitter handle LindaCCor. There is also a map of the world with a red pin pointing to Dublin Ireland

Linda Corcoran (they/she) is a Teagasc Walsh Scholar completing a research MSc. in Food Science at University College Cork and Teagasc (Ireland). Their thesis research looks at the suitability of temporal liking for investigating the effects of the feeding systems on consumer liking of beef steaks. Linda also has non-thesis projects she's working on including investigating the misuse of gender and sex in sensory science and improving disability accessibility in science communication.

Being a first-gen, disabled LGBTQ+ grad student, Linda is passionate about equity, diversity and inclusion, sci-comm and mental health and disability awareness. In their spare time, Linda volunteers with several groups, including PhD Balance, Dragonfly Mental Health and Disabled in Higher Ed.

What do they do for PhD Balance?

Linda is our Grad Chat Co-Ordinator, they do all the behind the scenes work (for now) from booking the guests, to scheduling the hosts and occasionally hosting herself, to providing tech support during shows and processing the audio for the podcasts! They are also part of our speaking team, IDEALs team and a social media coordinator (mostly on Twitter).

Why did she join PhD Balance?

Linda has had various mental health struggles from a young age, and starting grad school reopened these struggles and reestablished bad coping mechanisms for her. Fortunately, they had dealt with a lot of the stigmatization they felt in their teenage years that would have delayed her from getting help again so getting into therapy went smoother this time! Linda wants to help others that are going through the same things and thinks PhD Balance is a great place to do that!


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