Last week's episode shared this gem about PhD goals:
If you are not careful and don't define what you want to get out of the experience, you can end up pursuing someone elses idea of what your PhD should be...
Do you have clear goals with your PhD? In case you missed it, maybe this episode could help you out!
Last week we had Erin Berlew, as a guest on Grad Chat to talk about Setting your Goals & Defining Success.
Who is Erin?
Erin is a PhD candidate in bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania. Her research focus is on making optogenetic tools to control the cytoskeleton and, more generally, thinking about how to use natural photoreceptors to perturb cell physiology. She is also interested in teaching, lab organization and culture, coding, cats, and Wikipedia deep dives. You can find her on Twitter @eerinberr!
The episode is available on the PhD Balance YouTube and on all major streaming platforms including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Overcast & Google Podcasts (And more!) Just search "Grad Chat" on your favourite podcast streaming app!