Welcome back to our "Who keeps PhD Balance running?" series! We're going to be introducing our team over the next few weeks, so keep an eye out! 👀

Next up is Laura Klask, content and editing co-lead.
Laura is a physicist and music lover. While she very much enjoyed her studies, she realized during grad school that spending the rest of her career in the lab is not the right thing for her. Laura's dream is to move into a profession where she can connect with people and support them to reach their goals.
She enjoys attending and organizing concerts, especially indie and punk-pop, and loves to do things that have an immediate and practical result, like knitting, sewing, drawing, baking… She also wants to learn to play the ukulele!
What does she do for PhD Balance?
Laura is our Content and Editing Co-Lead! She co-manages our team of editors who work with our storytellers to ensure their story gets across in the way they want, in a way they are comfortable with!