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Meet the team: Alex

Welcome back to our "Who keeps PhD Balance running?" series! We're going to be introducing our team over the next few weeks, so keep an eye out! 👀

Meet the team light purple graphic, There is a photo of Alex. Text reads Alex Weigand (she/her), website lead, teams website team (lead), speaking team. Twitter handle alexjweigand. Theres also a map of the world with a red pin pointing to California, US

Next up is Alex Weigand, Website Lead.

Alex (she/her) is a 3rd year PhD student in clinical psychology studying biomarkers of preclinical Alzheimer's disease. She hopes to use her understanding of psychological concepts and her experience working with therapy patients to help educate others about mental wellness and reduce the stigma around mental health difficulties.

She is also interested in science communication more broadly and works with other organizations to create and disseminate content related to healthcare and neurologic conditions. Outside of this education and advocacy work, Alex enjoys trying local craft beers, collecting vinyl, and discovering new R tricks.

What does she do for PhD Balance?

Alex leads our Website Team and is also part of our speaking team!

Why did she join PhD Balance?

Alex joined PhD Balance to advocate for those who don't have the bandwidth to advocate for themselves and increase awareness about mental health difficulties among grad students and reduce the stigma surrounding it.


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