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Managing Finances During Your PhD

Updated: Feb 26, 2021

Meet this week's Grad Chat guest!

"Hi! My name is Dr Emily Roberts (she/her), and I’m tomorrow’s interviewee for Grad Chat!

I am an expert in personal finance for graduate students and early-career PhDs, so our topic is managing finances during your PhD. I LOVE answering questions, so I hope you will join us live and participate! We can talk about taxes, money management, investing, student loans, money mindset and psychology… whatever you like!

Here’s a little more about me: I earned my PhD in biomedical engineering from Duke in 2014. I fell in love with the subject of personal finance during graduate school, and I gradually realized that my peers had a great need for financial education and support that was not being met by the universities or financial services industry. I started my business, Personal Finance for PhDs, shortly after defending.

My business has multiple facets now! I give webinars for universities, host a podcast, coach individuals and small groups, create courses and workshops for individuals, and run a community. The best way to jump in is to join my mailing list. If you do so through this link, you’ll receive a PDF that details five ways you can improve your finances today as a graduate student or postdoc.

I hope you will join me and Fay for our chat tomorrow! I can’t wait to meet you and field your questions!"


Dr Emily Roberts will be our Grad Chat special guest tomorrow to talk about Managing Finances during your PhD. You can join the Youtube Livestream on Saturday (01/16) using this link.

You can follow Personal Finances for PhD's on Twitter at @PFforPhDs!

You can also now listen to all our Grad Chat episodes as a podcast, which is hosted on Anchor FM and available on all major streaming services!


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