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10 Tips for Fighting Imposter Syndrome!

Originally posted on PhD Balance social media platforms on 05//2020.

Thanks so much to everyone who joined in for this month's Stronger Together series on Imposter Syndrome.

Some of you requested an easy-to-share version of what we worked on. . . Thank you to the amazing Zo Ayres, and Brittany Uhlorn for creating this poster!

Infographic 10 Tips for Fighting Imposter Syndrome, a full text transcript is available in the post.
  1. Reward yourself for EVERY success

  2. Change your mindset

  3. Let go of perfectionism

  4. Focus on your success

  5. Write a letter of recommendation

  6. Spot Triggers

  7. Open up

  8. Seek therapy

  9. List your expertise

  10. Accept recognition

A full-text transcript of this infographic is available here!

We hope this helps remind you HOW AMAZING YOU REALLY ARE! Want to share how you are tackling Imposter Syndrome? Please post about your experience.


We've made a printable version of the infographic on our Stronger Together section of our webpage.

Sign up to our Stronger Together community here to revisit this month's topic: Imposter Syndrome!


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