Originally posted as part of our PhD Stronger Together Module - Mental Health Conditions (December 2020).
This month's Stronger Together content is focused on Common Mental Health Conditions! Today we are talking about Substance Use Disorders:

Substance use is defined as the continuous use of substance, such as alcohol or drugs, despite adverse outcomes.
Types include:
Substance use disorders: disrupted behavior related to drug use
Substance-induced disorders: mental illness resulting from the use of substance
Signs and Symptoms
Behavioral: changes in appetite, lack of motivation, substance craving
Physical: weight loss/gain, tremors, dilated pupils/red eyes, dry mouth, slowed reaction time
Emotional: reduced interest, euphoria, panic

Stats, Demographics and Disparities
About 20 million Americans suffer from a substance use disorder (SUDs)
Only 10% of individuals with SUDs receive proper treatment
Genetics accounts for about 40-60% of liability to develop and SUD
Negative correlation socioeconomic status and treatment for substance use

Treatment and Care
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Withdrawal Management
Prescription medications
Support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Residential treatment

General Resources:
Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre
The Support Group Project
Helping others live sober
Alcoholics anonymous
Pear reSET
Sober grid
*The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician, therapist or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.