New Month, New Wednesday Question Bonanza (WQB) Topic!
This month is all about: Starting Grad School

The start of Grad School is SOON!
While the exact format of your Grad Program will vary depending on your department and university, many of us will have new things in common (e.g.) rotations, finding an advisor, being a TA/research assistant, teaching/TAing, settling into a new lab, department, school, finding friends, juggling it all, and more.
If you have any questions about any of this, drop your questions below 👇 or email us ( we will try to get you some answers on our social media platforms!
Wednesday Question Bonanza is a monthly topic where we ask your questions to our community to try and get some crowd-sourced answers!
We then collect all those answers and put them into a document and up on this page as soon as we can! You can access & revisit them as you need them!