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Meet the team: Rachel

Welcome back to our "Who keeps PhD Balance running?" series! We're going to be introducing our team over the next few weeks, so keep an eye out! 👀

Meet the team bright green graphic, There is a photo of Kathrine. Text reads Kathrine Schledermann (she/her), team social media, twitter handle RachelCBonn. There’s also a map of the world with a red pin pointing to London, UK.

Next up is Rachel Bonnington.

Rachel (she/her) is currently a final year PhD student in Developmental Neurobiology at UCL, living and working in London, UK. Her current research project in the Poole lab looks at how cells make decisions during the early development of the nervous system in nematode worms.

She also enjoys science communication and outreach and volunteers as a Science Explainer at the Royal Institution and the Royal Society of Biology. In her free time, she enjoys baking, practicing yoga and meditation, gardening and crochet.

What does she do for PhD Balance?

Rachel is part of our Social Media Team! She is a lead moderator and coordinator for our Discord server!

Why did she join PhD Balance?

Rachel joined PhD Balance as she wants to create a space within academia to discuss mental health and to share her experiences, both to help people like her navigate their own path through academia and to connect with and learn from others and the difficulties they have experienced. She hopes that together we can help shape academia and make it a more open, supportive and welcoming place to be!


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