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Let's Talk About Careers

Originally posted on PhD Balance social media platforms on 01/14/2021.

Promotional graphic - text reads Discord #PhDStrongerTogether Live discussions Thursdays at 12pm ET! Let's talk about careers in: Module 1 Jan 7th 2021 Communication, Module 2, Jan 14th 2021 Policy, Module 3, Jan 21st 2021, Education and Outreach and module 4, jan 28th 2021 Out of the box and career panel

Join us for Module Discussions' Thursdays at 12 pm ET, on our January Stronger Together topic "What can you do with your degree?"!

We will be talking about Communication, Policy, Education & Outreach and "Out of the Box" Careers!

We will "meet" weekly on Thursdays at 12 pm ET for live discussions!

Module 1 - Communication on January 7th

Love staying on top of the latest research, current events, or trending stories but not sure how to translate your academic achievements? Check out this module!

Module 2 - Policy on January 14th

What is policy and how can you even transition from academia to it?

Module 3 - Outreach & Education on January 21st

What different jobs can you get in outreach and education and how can your academic skills translate?

Module 4 - Out of the Box Careers on January 28th

Maybe you’re looking for a career that’s only tangentially related to your field of study, whether that be chemistry, history or art? Out of the box careers might be for you!


Join us on our PhD Stronger Together Discord server (click here) on Thursdays the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th of January at 12 pm ET for live module discussions on our "What can you do with your degree?" modules!


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